The Tiger Woods Dilemma
The Tiger Woods Dilemma ________________________________________________________________________________ The Masters weekend is almost a holy weekend to golf fans, specifically those of us from Georgia. In most years, it often ends up on an actual holy weekend with Easter in the Spring. This year is different, and while it is exciting to watch both the Masters and football on the same weekend, I hope we can all get back to more normal traditions in the upcoming year. But despite the uniqueness of this year’s tournament, there is a constant that remains: the excitement for Tiger Woods. There’s something about Tiger playing well that gets any golf fan hanging on to every swing. Maybe it’s the fact that he changed the sport forever as a young fitness-focused golfer. Maybe it’s the Georgia bias in me when he wears red and black on Sundays. Maybe it’s the barrier that was broken as he crashed the party of a relatively pale community. Whatever it is, it’s hard to argue that he isn’t on...